Monday, February 17, 2020

Scopes Monkey Trial Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Scopes Monkey Trial - Essay Example ospital and spent most of his time there making observations of the professors during his stay at Baltimore and wrote informative opinions on the four famous doctors and being a famous journalist of his times his writings are considered important especially in the field of sciences. (Roberts, 2010) John Scopes was the teacher convicted in Scopes Monkey trial for teaching evolution in school going against the Bulter Act. Scopes being a learned man believed in Darwin’s theory and taught the theory of evolution to the general science students. His contribution to science especially among the schools in Tennessee was that his trial became the first ever trial to be broadcasted on the radio and hence the helped in spreading the popularity of Darwin’s theory .It helped consider the legitimacy of teaching evolution theory to students (Frazzetto, 2004). Darrow was a well known lawyer. He joined the Scope’s Trial as defendant lawyer particularly because the prosecutor was W.J. Bryan and Darrow considered it once in a life time opportunity to defend a case that was immense importance in those times. Darrow was considered an amateur scientist and he grew up reading and indulging in science was never against the theory of evolution which helped him defend the case. However, one of most famous role of Darrow’s in science was his movement against eugenics. His idea of eugenics was rather sceptical and he wrote several articles aimed against the idea of Eugenics which he believed was doom for the human society (Darrow, 1926). W.J. Bryan was a politician and was concerned with teaching of evolution in the schools. He was the main prosecutor in the Scope’s Monkey Trial. He looked upon scientific theories with suspicion a nd considered science was responsible for weak moral standards of students (Linder, 2004).During the trial he handed out pamphlets which talked against Darwin’s evolution theory. However he contributed to the field of medical sciences by

Monday, February 3, 2020

Help me make a topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Help me make a topic - Essay Example However, the term globalization gained prominence during the mid-1980s, and more so, after the 1990s. Scholars denote that innovation plays an important role in ensuring the development of globalization. They argue that innovations in telecommunications and information technology have led to the reduction of international and national transactions. Because of these reductions, opportunities in manufacturing have increased, especially so in remote areas (Rivoli, 31). This is because it is easy to communicate with various players within the manufacturing industry, at whatever location they are. Effective communication is an important element of the manufacturing process. Another important factor that has led to globalization is the various changes in the governance structure of the various national countries. These countries have opened up their economies, leading to free flow of goods, resulting to commerce. There are four basic elements of globalization, namely transactions and trade, migration of people and their movements, capital movement and investments, and dissemination of knowledge (Caporaso and Mary, 33). Basing on this background, this paper analyzes the globalization of coffee in its early stages of globalization. That is the periods of 1960s and 1970s. Coffee was introduced in African, Asia and some parts of America by the colonialists. During this period, colonial governments grew the product in their colonies for purposes of satisfying their domestic markets. For example, the British introduced coffee in the colonies of East Africa, and some countries of West Africa. They grew this product, and after harvesting, they took the coffee beans to Britain for processing and consumption. When they left, their colonies began to produce the substance for export, and as a means of earning foreign exchange (Peyser and Bill, 42). For instance in Kenya, the government that took over